Navigating the requirements of consent with technology
Tuesday 18 February I 14:00 - 15:00 I Online
This event is for regulated professionals and local authority staff and focuses on navigating legal and ethical requirements of consent in adult social care, particularly in relation to technology. Attendees will gain clarity on the distinction between consent for technology use and care delivery, while exploring best practices for obtaining informed consent. The session will emphasise practical approaches for supporting adults receiving social care, especially in scenarios involving assistive technologies and digital tools, ensuring compliance with ethical standards and legal frameworks.
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Managers conference 2025
Monday 10 March - Tuesday 11 March I Wyboston Lakes Resort, Bedfordshire £355 I +VAT
Join us at The Managers Conference 2025 for a packed programme of keynote speakers, workshops and panel sessions plus a bustling exhibition. Choose the workshops you would like to attend and build your own programme based on your priorities. Tickets are priced at £355 +VAT and include a networking evening with dinner and accommodation followed by a full day conference. Last few remaining tickets
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Improving your CQC rating seminar
Wednesday 12 March I 10:00 - 15:30 I £120 +VAT
This one-day seminar is for services currently rated Requires improvement or Inadequate looking to improve before their next CQC assessment.
Explore the benefits of making improvements, how to overcome barriers to improvement, how to action and evidence improvements and how to involve others in helping you to improve. You’ll gain an understanding of what you will be expected to evidence, successful approaches to recover from a Requires improvement or Inadequate CQC rating and how to demonstrate issues have been successfully addressed.
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Embedding equality, diversity and inclusion in your organisation - practical ways to drive change
Thursday 13 March I 10:00 - 11:00 I Online This webinar explores how registered managers are embedding equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) into their organisations, highlighting practical approaches and insight including: - planning and developing clear EDI strategies with shared goals
- fostering engagement and collaboration across teams
- building a genuinely inclusive and supportive workplace culture
- workforce EDI in CQC assessments
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Celebrating independence, choice, and innovation - practical ways to meet and exceed CQC expectations
Thursday 20 March I 10:00 - 11:00 I Online
Presented in partnership with The Outstanding Society, this webinar for registered managers will look at good and best practice approaches to promoting independence, choice and innovation across adult social care services. It will look at what the CQC is celebrating in their assessment reports, and you’ll also hear from Outstanding rated providers on how they involve people, families and others in meaningful activities to enable person-centred independence.
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Being prepared for CQC assessment seminar
Thursday 20 March I 10:00 - 15:30 I Online
This one-day interactive seminar brings together frontline managers to learn about the step-by-step ways to be ready to evidence that your service meets CQC expectations to achieve a Good or Outstanding rating. Discover practical ways to prepare for assessment and evidence the quality care you’re providing.
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